Compatibility with iOS 11

We have received a few questions about our apps compatibility with iOS 11. All of our apps released since 2014 are fully compatible with iOS 11.

Some people are running releases of our apps from 2013 or earlier.  These older apps (2013 and earlier) are no longer being updated, and unfortunately the changes Apple has made to iOS 11 will no longer allow these older apps to run.  If you wish to continue using one of these older apps you will need to stay with an older release of iOS. Only 2014 or later releases of our apps will work with iOS 11.

Updates For 2016 Are In Progress

We have been releasing our 2016 updates to Apple, and currently have 12 apps in Apple’s review queue with more being released to Apple on a daily basis. These 2016 releases include updated statutes for New York, California, and support for statutes from the 84th Legislature for Texas.

These updates will be available in iTunes as soon as they complete Apple’s review process. Unfortunately we don’t have any control over the review time, but do expect to see these updates available in the app store later this month.

Amazon Kindle Fire and BlackBerry Support

We have just added support for all Amazon Kindle Fire Tablets/Phones, and BlackBerry OS v10.3 devices via the Amazon App Store.

Our apps currently available via the Amazon App Store are:

If you would like to see more of our apps available via the Amazon App Store, please let us know.


2014 Texas Apps for iOS and Android

Our 2014 Texas Apps fully updated with statutes from the 83rd Legislature are now available for iOS and Android.

For iOS, our 2014 Texas apps are available in the App Store at the following links:

And for Android, our 2014 Texas apps are available in the Google Play Store at the following links:

New Texas Statutes Now Available

Our 2014 Texas Penal Code and Texas Transportation Apps have been released and are now available for iOS and Android. These apps support the latest statues from the third called session of the 83rd Legislature.

For iOS, you can find our apps in the App Store at the following links:

For Android, you can find our apps in the Google Play Store at the following links:

The rest of our 2014 Texas Apps supporting the 83rd Legislature will be available soon!


Apple Is Blocking Our 2013 iOS Releases

In December Apple approved the 2013 release of our NYPD Patrol Guide App, and we thought that the rest of our releases for 2013 would go smoothly.  In fact, our NYPD Patrol Guide has been in the top 50 reference apps since its release, however just a couple of weeks later Apple rejected the 2013 release of our NY Penal Law and NY Vehicle and Traffic Law Apps, calling them spam.  This is despite the fact that we have been successfully selling these same apps in Apple’s store since 2009 to very favorable reviews and Apple has demoed and used our apps as a selling point when meeting with law enforcement agencies.

We have been in communication with Apple since then trying to resolve this without much luck.  Actually, calling it communication is being generous, since Apple has not been getting back to us.  On January 15th we were told that a representative from Apple would call us within 3 days to discuss our 2013 Apps, but we have not yet heard from anyone. We sent another message to Apple a few days ago about the importance of getting these releases out in a timely manner, but still have not heard back.

The arbitrary and capricious nature of Apple’s review process is making it impossible for us to do business and support our customers.  We still hope that this can be resolved and that Apple will in fact get back to us, but having our apps sit in limbo for a month or more does not help anybody.

So that we would not be completely dependent on the changing whims of one reviewer or another at Apple in 2012 we decided to create Android releases of our apps as well.  The good news here is that we decide what to release and when to release it, and the customer decides if it will be a successful product or not.  There isn’t someone like an Apple Reviewer getting in between us and our customers arbitrarily keeping our customers from getting new releases that they want to have.

While we still hope to hear back from Apple and to be able to resolve this,  if you would like timely releases and updates of our apps, please be aware that an Android tablet or phone is an option.

Texas Apps Now On Android!

We have just published our Texas Apps on Android.  All of these apps are are current with the 82nd Legislature and are available in the Google Play Store now.  To help introduce our Android releases, we are discounting the prices on these apps until the end of January.

Texas 2012-2013 Releases Now Available – Discounted through April 15th

Our Texas Apps that reflect the 82nd Legislature (2012-2013) are now available in the app store.

These do require a new purchase, however to help with upgrading we are discounting the price on these apps until April 15th.

All of these apps have been updated with the statutes from the 82nd Legislature First Called Session.  We have also included some new features including:

Faster searches – It was quick already, but it’s even faster now.

Statutes are now separated into individual sections – this allows for finer grained search, since only matching sections will show up, and also allows for bookmarking an individual section.

Real-time section number searches – matching sections will show up as you type the section number into the search box

Email support – send a section of the code to an email address

Printing support – wireless printing is now supported.  Printing requires an airprint compatible printer

We have other improvements and new features planned that will be coming out as free updates, and, as always, welcome any comments or suggestions.