Bug fix for 2022 Releases in Progress

Our 2022 New York and California releases have an issue that affects some of our apps that were originally purchased in 2016 or earlier, and can cause the app to crash on startup. We are in the process of releasing updates that fix this problem. Apps that were originally purchased in 2017 or later are not affected.

The fix is available in version 22.05 and will be in the app store soon.

We’re Back!

Sorry about the long delay, but we are very happy to be back and our updates for 2022 are currently being published to the app store! We hope to all of our available apps updated by the end of this week, and will be publishing a list of the updates apps soon.

Other developers have been reporting problems of In-App Purchases taking a while to be recognized by the App Store. If you try to updated to our 2022 Statutes via In-App Purchse and do not get a popup, please wait a few hours then try again after restarting your phone/tablet.

2016 CA Heath & Safety Code and CA Labor Code Added to Google Play Store

We have also published the 2016 CA Health and Safety Code, and CA Labor Code in the Google Play Store. If you have an older (pre-2016) Android version getting these apps will require a new purchase, however we are discounting the price on them until March to help people with upgrading.


2016 Android Apps Now Available in Google Play Store

The following 2016 Apps are now available. If you have an older (pre-2016) Android version getting these apps will require a new purchase, however we are discounting the price on them until March to help people with upgrading.


iOS 7 Crashing Louisiana Apps on Startup

iOS 7 is causing our Louisiana Apps to crash when they are launched.  We are submitting an update to Apple that fixes the problem and hope to have it approved and released very soon.

All of our other apps currently available in the app store should be working fine.  If you do run into any problems please contact us and let us know.