Texas Apps Now On Android!

We have just published our Texas Apps on Android.  All of these apps are are current with the 82nd Legislature and are available in the Google Play Store now.  To help introduce our Android releases, we are discounting the prices on these apps until the end of January.

Five 2013 Android Apps for NY Now Available!

We now have a total of five of our popular iOS Apps available for Android in the Google Play Store.

In addition to our 2013 NYPD Patrol Guide, law enforcement including the NYPD and New York State Police will be interested in:

Our two other new Android releases available now are:

These 2013 releases for Android are available now and being discounted until the end of January.  The 2013 NYPD Patrol is also available in the Apple App Store, and the other releases will be available for iOS as soon as they complete Apple’s review process.

Android Support! 2013 NYPD Patrol Guide Now Available

We have just released our first Android App – The 2013 NYPD Patrol Guide, and it is available now in the Google Play Store.  Our other apps will be available in the Google Play Store soon.

This is our first Android app so there may be some issues that need to be addressed over the coming weeks.  It has been looking very good on all of our test devices and runs well both on phones and tablets. If you do run into any issues with this app please contact us and we’ll respond as soon as possible.

As this is our first release of the NYPD Patrol Guide for Android, we will be discounting the price to 9.99 until the end of the January.

You can find our 2013 NYPD Patrol Guide app in the Google Play Store at the following address:

2013 NYPD Patrol Guide App for Android

Our iOS release of the 2013 NYPD Patrol Guide for the iPhone/iPad is also now available.  You can find it here. The iOS release is being discounted through January 15th.