2014 Louisiana Apps for iOS and Android

We have updated Louisiana Apps with the latest revised statutes now available for Android and iOS. To help people with upgrading on iOS and in celebration of our new Android releases we will be discounting the prices on these apps through May 15th.

For iOS, our 2014 Louisiana Apps are available at the followings links:

For Android, our 2014 Louisiana Apps are available at the following links:

2014 Texas Apps for iOS and Android

Our 2014 Texas Apps fully updated with statutes from the 83rd Legislature are now available for iOS and Android.

For iOS, our 2014 Texas apps are available in the App Store at the following links:

And for Android, our 2014 Texas apps are available in the Google Play Store at the following links:

New Texas Statutes Now Available

Our 2014 Texas Penal Code and Texas Transportation Apps have been released and are now available for iOS and Android. These apps support the latest statues from the third called session of the 83rd Legislature.

For iOS, you can find our apps in the App Store at the following links:

For Android, you can find our apps in the Google Play Store at the following links:

The rest of our 2014 Texas Apps supporting the 83rd Legislature will be available soon!